BONUS SERIES: Dwell on These Things, Ep. 1 // Melissa Kruger - Experience Real Joy
"In the midst of a world that's not right, we drink from the well—which is Christ—and we have refreshment in a dry and weary land."— Melissa Kruger
"In the midst of a world that's not right, we drink from the well—which is Christ—and we have refreshment in a dry and weary land."— Melissa Kruger
"Whatever is going to happen—whatever the literal next things are that happen in my life—this symbolic vision of God means that in the end, it's going to be alright. I...
"When I start to feel anxious about something, I have trained myself to be like, 'What is true? Is this true? Is this thing that you're worrying it true?'...
"Right now we can join in that worship and sing out with those angels, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.'"—...
"When you realize God meets us in the pit, that's a way that we can really glorify God, not for what he does, but for who he is." — Vaneetha...
"I also give myself permission to dream new dreams for my life and to not be wedded to the dreams from when I was a child... I have the ability...
"This is the hope that we long for: the throne room of God himself. It is a better country, a heavenly one. It is the place we belong. And you...