Does the book of Revelation intimidate you? Maybe even scare you a little? Or do you wonder how it could relate to your life in the slightest? On today's episode, Jen Wilkin acknowledges the scary and the weird in Revelation while pointing our hearts to the true purpose of the book: reassurance. The God who is holy and mighty is coming back to make all things right, and we can take great comfort in this knowledge. But this book and our memory verse aren't just about the future. Jen helps us consider how we can live faithful lives in the present as we trust in our everlasting, powerful, returning God. It's a conversation that you won't want to miss!
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who is, and was and is to come." —Revelation 4:8b
- Get a copy of Jen's Revelation Bible study.
- Find out more about Jen here.
- Check out Natalie and Vera's new Bible study, Dwell on These Things: Transform Your Heart and Mind by Memorizing God's Word.
- Dig deeper into this month's verse in our weekly devotionals. Get them sent to your inbox free every Monday!