“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” — John 1:4
In you is life.
Bread life — filling more than bellies — life.
Gate life — keeping out the thief — life.
Shepherd life — laying-down and leading — life.
Resurrection life — though dying, always living — life.
The way, the truth, the life — all we need and how we get there — life.
Vine life — connected, full, and fruitful — life
Your life is light.
Mankind’s light — blazing and beckoning — light.
Overcoming light — defeating all our darkness — light.
True light — birthing new believers — light.
Exposing light — unmasking all we’re hiding — light.
Light of the World — bidding us to follow — light.
Fathering light — making children like you — light.
In you is life, and your life is light.
For all who would believe.
Note: Each line of this poem is a reference to a verse from John’s Gospel, which is filled with the light and life that Jesus offers all mankind, even you, even me.