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Vera Schmitz : His Word Does Not Return Void

“Don’t be afraid to share your heart, to share God’s truth, and to share his promise, because it’s true that we can live full lives following Jesus—it is the only...

Natalie & Vera : A Warning and an Offer

“This is the promise that we have in Jesus: not to be taken from but to be given. Even when we don’t deserve the kinds of gifts, the fullness that...

Jen Oshman : The Good News about Failure

“I know what it is to grow up with my identity rooted in something that is temporary, and something that actually does come to steal, kill, and destroy rather than...

Natalie Abbott : Who Is the Thief?

“Are we going to entrust ourselves and believe in those things that are taking from us, or are we going to entrust ourselves and believe in Jesus, the Good Shepherd,...

Vera Schmitz : Where Do You Find Hope?

“The reality is, we’re all empty vessels that are needing to be filled. So practically speaking, how then do we fill our buckets?” — Vera Schmitz

Courtney Doctor : Overflowing Hope

“These things that he’s giving—the hope and the joy and the peace—are not separate from him, they are part of him. He’s the God of hope, so he’s actually giving...

Dwell Differently Podcast

Our Monthly Podcast Structure:
Two guest episodes - one Natalie Episode - Natalie & Vera episode.

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