The word of god is the blood in my veins and the sun on my face.
Jesus answered, "It is written: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" - Matthew 4:4
It is the blood in my veins, the skip in my step, the hand on my shoulder, the sun on my face. It is the force that compels me, the hope that empowers me, the joy that pours over me. Where else are truth and love so intimately woven together? I look to the depths and find they are endless. I search the heights and am blinded by the glory of it all.
God’s Word is sustenance.
Why? Because, God himself is there, whispering to me, calling out from the living pages. He tells me true things about his goodness and his faithfulness to me. He reminds me of his radical love for me, his kindness on my behalf, his strength, his goodness, his holiness, his justice. He is available to me always, ready to bind my wounds, encourage my weary spirit, forgive my wanderings, and set my feet in the right direction. He is my truest Father, Brother, Husband
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But, I often go elsewhere. I am unfaithful to my Dearest. I abandon him for others—unworthy, unsatisfying, imitations of goodness. I wander in desolate places, starving myself. Why? Pride maybe? Fear? Stubbornness? Despondency? Whatever the reason, I find myself stranded and hopeless, numbing myself with things that are lesser or more convenient. I pacify my conscience with empty explanations telling myself, “I’m just too tired to deal with my struggles, a little ignoring, a little numbing isn’t all that bad.” Deep down, I always know the truth.
Truth is, I desperately need Jesus.
I need to run into his arms and confess my wayward ways. I need to cry about the things that are weighing on my soul. There is no way I can drag myself out of the pit. I need him to pull me up. I need his words to sooth me. Times like this, times when I don’t even know where to start, do you know what I do?
I write out scripture.
Word for word. I just write it down and pray as I do that Jesus would speak to me. And, do you know what? He does. He is always available to me. He tells me the things that I need to hear—those beautiful truths that wash over my soul and bring me life. And yet again, he forgives my wrongs, binds my wounds, renews my spirit, and sets my feet back on the path of life. Surely he is my truest Father, Brother, Husband.
I love the Word of God.
It is everything to me. Because the God of the universe meets me there in mercy and love, in ways so intimate and profound, I am brought to tears of joy and my soul is full.
Are God’s words life to you?
What “unsatisfying imitations” do you fill yourself with?
Have you ever written out God’s words and asked him to meet you there?
Thanks for reading,

Meet Natalie,Dwell co-founder
Hi there, I'm Natalie! I'm so glad you're here. I'd love to connect with you to hear more about what God is doing in your life!
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