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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! OCTOBER'S VERSE: "'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." — Revelation 4:8B

Meet Kristy Cambron
Meet Kristy Cambron

Meet Our featured guest, kristy cambron!

Kristy is an author of both fiction and non fiction! Her latest works include The Paris Dressmaker, and the Verse Mapping series of Bibles and journals.


f o r // y o u // w e r e // o n c e

d a r k n e s s,

b u t // n o w // y o u // a r e 

l i g h t

i n // t h e // l o r d.

l i v e // a s // c h i l d r e n // o f // l i g h t.

E p h e s i a n s  // 5 : 8

Who are you!? Introduce yourself to our people!  

I'm Kristy Cambron -- a vintage-loving Jesus girl. Wife. Momma to 3 boys. Author. Resident Verse Mapping teacher and Bible researcher. And a total nerd when it comes to books, history, and Gilmore Girls pop-culture references. If you're in seminary, I'll totally tag along to your Hebrew and Greek classes or come to crash your neighbor's next book club party. And I'd gladly pay the mortgage at my local coffee shop just to retain the sheer perfection of a tucked-away writing corner where I've penned my last several books. 

How did you get connected with Dwell?

God's Word is our oxygen; knowing it and using it is how we breathe.  What Dwell does to connect believers to God's Word is so closely aligned with the heart behind Verse Mapping, that the overlap to find each other was bound to happen. I'm energized just thinking about it! Imagine understanding God's Word AND engraving it upon our hearts with memorization that sticks. . . This is the Jesus-chaser's life-changer!  

Why do you love this verse? 

This verse (Ephesians 5:8) speaks every bit of truth we find in (John 1:4): "In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind." I have written in the margin of my Bible that if we truly believe this -- that Christ is the light of all mankind -- and we've surrendered our hearts to Him, then we'll live like it! Period. And it's not about leading a life of sinlessness and behavior modification as a means to get there. . . it's about living and breathing and loving and truly BEING that light in a broken world, right where we are.  




Find out more about Kristy as we dive deeper into the concepts for this month's verse together!


What’s one personal story from your life that speaks to the concepts in this verse?

I've spent roughly half my career in the corporate sector (where the environment had a great diversity of non-faith background and belief), and the other half in Christian publishing and vocational ministry (where much of the environment around me has been with those of the same belief system). After living and working in these two different spheres of influence, I've come to find that one truth is constant across the board: PEOPLE RESPOND TO LIGHT. Whether they know Jesus or not. . . people are inherently drawn to the light He brings. And as those who have believed, surrendered to, and now follow Him, we have a calling to share that light that's within us wherever we go.

Tell us one fun thing about yourself.

I wrote my debut novel on my iPhone! As a working mom of three young sons, the only time I had to get the story down was when I was on maternity leave with our youngest. That meant 3am feedings became writing sessions - bottle in one hand and typing chapters with my thumb in the other. (A momma's gotta do what a Momma's gotta do!)

Be sure to check out the Dwell podcast to hear more from Kristy this month! Thanks for reading!


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