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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! OCTOBER'S VERSE: "'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." — Revelation 4:8B

Lord, Renew Me.
Speak these words to Jesus, and he will refresh you.

speak these words to jesus, and he will refresh you.


Ordinarily I spend a lot of time talking about God in these posts.  

But Today, I want to talk to God... together. I want to share a prayer based on our verse. I hope it prompts an honest conversation with the One who loves us. As I’ve interacted with this verse so far this month, I find myself claiming, “Therefore, I don’t lose heart!” I find myself confessing all the ways I’m worn out and wasting away. And then, I look to heaven and ask for renewal, for a deep reworking of my perspective, for hope and strength to carry on, and for an unshakeable faith, no matter what the day brings. If you need those things too, this prayer is for you. I hope it isn’t just stagnant words on a page, but a space for you to honestly interact with Jesus.  

Oh Jesus, I don’t want to lose heart. 

I don’t want to give up or give in. I know who you are. You are good and true, and you love me with a relentless, radical, sacrificial love. You keep my footsteps from failing. You uphold me when I’m weak. You speak true words that are better than my situation. When life presses in, you keep me whole. When confusion threatens my mind, you ground me with your words. When the world around me hates on me, you accept me and console me with your love. When death itself threatens my person, I am not afraid, for you have overcome death and darkness and sin and the enemy. I am more than a conqueror! THEREFORE, I DO NOT LOSE HEART! For I believe in YOU. I believe in your promises. I believe in the unseen eternal realities that far outweigh my temporary struggles. O Jesus, how can I give up when I have such a treasure!?!?


On the podcast

Meet Lindsay May; founder and publisher of The Truly Co!  The Truly Co is a team of women who use writing, photography, and podcasts to share stories of what Jesus has done with as many people as possible. Hear more on today's podcast.



But sometimes, I do lose heart…. 

Truth is, this world, my circumstances, my own propensities to sin and to fail, they’re always weighing me down. So often, I feel it. I struggle. I am hard pressed. I am perplexed by so many things. I am out of control. I make bad choices, but instead of confessing them, I hide in shame. I don’t trust your love or grace for me. Still you reach out and invite me to lay my burdens down, to find grace and forgiveness in your love. See me here. Take my burdens from me.  

- Here are the ways I have lost heart today and this week... (tell Jesus where you’ve given up on him) 

- Here are the things I haven’t trusted you with…. (tell him) 

- Here are my struggles…. (Give them to Jesus) 

Jesus, you already know. All of it.  

Yet, it’s good for me to tell you, to confess my failings, to give you my sorrows and my struggles and my sin. Surely, you are good and your purposes for me are good. You’re in control when I feel helpless. Your perfections cover my faithlessness. So, I trust you with my heart and my mind and my soul. Right now. I won’t lean on my own understanding, but I acknowledge that you know fully where I only know in part. So please, dear Lord, give me grace for today.  

But you don’t just forgive me, you renew me.  

You don’t just wipe my slate clean, you write beautiful words on it. You write “righteous”, “loved”, “accepted”, “delightful”, “mine”. Oh Jesus, I am yours and you make me new. Every time I come to you, “day by day” as long as it’s called today, I come and am renewed by your love and grace and goodness. Today is the day of new life. Renew my mind by your truth. Restore your peace to my soul. Overflow my heart with your love. Fill my lips with words of praise and light for all people. Give my feet paths to walk in that bring your heart joy. Surely, I will dwell in your presence all day long, and forever.

Thanks for reading,

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Meet Natalie,Dwell co-founder

Hi there, I'm Natalie. I'm so glad you're here. I'd love to connect with you and hear more about what God is doing in your life!


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