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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! OCTOBER'S VERSE: "'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." — Revelation 4:8B

Jesus Paid It All // Rachelle Starr
"If we believed that Jesus only died for a few of our sins, we'd still be living as captive people. But when I first understood that God remembers no more and when he sees me he sees Jesus—that changed everything about how I live, what I believe about the power of the Gospel, and what I share with people."
— Rachelle Starr


The blood of Jesus is enough to cover every sin—no sin is too big or too insignificant for him to forgive. He paid the full price for everyone who trusts in his saving work on the cross. It's the best news! And it's what we're discussing today with Rachelle Star, founder of Scarlet Hope. Her ministry helps women caught in the sex industry experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus. You will be so encouraged to hear her testimony of hope for all sinners, including herself. 



"As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." — Psalm 103:12


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Rachelle Starr

Rachelle Starr is first and foremost a lover of Jesus. In 2007, Rachelle founded the nonprofit, Scarlet Hope, when God called her to share His hope and love with exploited and trafficked women. Scarlet Hope has since expanded across ten cities in the United States and has trained thousands to launch similar nonprofits worldwide under Rachelle’s leadership. Rachelle is an entrepreneur at heart and enjoys developing innovative ways to reach and disciple women, wherever they are. As a speaker, coach, and author of Outrageous Obedience, Rachelle has shared her story on numerous platforms to inspire women to live an outrageous life for Jesus. When Rachelle’s not sharing the gospel in a strip club, you will find her spending time with her husband, Josh, and two boys, baking tasty treats, or playing card games.

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Why Am I Suffering? // Vaneetha Risner

"When you realize God meets us in the pit, that's a way that we can really glorify God, not for what he does, but for who he is." — Vaneetha...

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