Weekly Devotionals
Who's Fighting Your Battle?
I am.I fight my battles. I work really hard at it. When a problem comes up, I stress, and then I brainstorm, I make a plan, and then I go...
r e m e m b e r
On this Memorial Day, it’s fitting to think of those who’ve gone before us with hearts inspired by their love and sacrifice.
Beautiful Sacrifice
Sacrifice is always beautiful. Even when sacrifice seems ugly on the surface, there’s a deeper beauty to be found in this most selfless form of love
Active Sacrifice
This verse is the epitome of love, in that, Christ calls us his friends and willingly lays down his life for us.
Lay Down Your Gossip
Let’s commit to laying down our gossip, giving our friends the opportunity to work it out, and choosing to live a life of great love -the life that Jesus calls...
Big Belief
As followers of Jesus, we can trust that there is a purpose, that he will show us the glory of it even.
Glory, Glory!
Glory is the word that the Bible uses to explain what it’s like when God shows up. It’s magnificent, other-worldly, excellent, breathtaking…