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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! OCTOBER'S VERSE: "'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." — Revelation 4:8B

You Were Made for FOREVER Christmas
Fight your "post-Christmas funk" with this truth.

fight your "post-christmas funk" with this truth.


JOHN 1:14A

So, here we are.  

Christmastime is over—good, bad, or ugly; draining or invigorating—we “done did that.” But even though it’s over, we still have one more Christmas Visitor. Not to worry though, he isn’t late to the party, he’s actually early. He’s the God of Christmas Yet to Come, here to inspire us with a wondrous vision of Christmas future. He’s the last of our three Christmas Visitors—thanks, Charles Dickens, for the inspiration! We’ve already talked about the God of Christmas Past, who came and “made his dwelling among us,” and the God of Christmas Present, who currently dwells in us. And our final Visitor, the God of Christmas Yet to Come, will dwell with us forever. Are you seeing a pattern? God WITH us! This is the true Christmas story—one that began when the God of Christmas Past came to be with us, continues as the God of Christmas Present lives in us, and will culminate when the God of Christmas Yet to Come returns. So, let’s take a peek at the end of the story. 

But before we do, how was your Christmas?  

I truly hope it was a good one. If you're anything like me though, you’re probably sitting in some “post-Christmas funk.” For me, it’s because I just might build up Christmas a little too much (like Clark Griswold). I just might set my hopes on the perfect experience, the perfect gifts, the perfect tree, and the perfect time with family—you know, all the trimmings. I’ve got my Christmas dream. And some years, my Christmas reality comes pretty close to the dream; other years, it comes crashing down like a poorly anchored Christmas tree. No matter the end result, I can always count on one thing: “post-Christmas funk.” After all the gifts have been torn though and all the sad leftovers still sit in the fridge, when we start to “unChristmas” our house, I’m always left wondering, “Why didn’t Christmas fill me up?” Deep down, I know why.


On the podcast

Have you listened to our chats with Tara-Leigh Cobble this month? Tara-Leigh has a passion for helping people know and love the Bible.  Check out our final episode with her today, and take some time to look into her Bible reading plan resources like The Bible Recap!



Christmas just isn’t enough. 

I know it, and I’m betting you do too. You see, my heart longs for Christmastime to fill it. It tells me that Christmas trappings and traditions will satisfy me with togetherness and love, acceptance and joy. It says I can rely on Christmas cheer to fill my cup. Truth is though, Christmas never makes good on that promise. It’s a one-and-done experience, and my heart is a bottomless cup. My needs for togetherness, love, acceptance, and joy never end; they’re new with every day. And when I try to fill those needs with Christmas, I’m left in an even deeper “post-Christmas funk.” But hear this: those desires are good. I was made with a bottomless-cup heart that needs filling. It’s just that Christmas simply can’t do it. It never could. It will never be big enough, lasting enough, enriching enough, or perfect enough to meet those needs. Which leads me to this truth: 

We were made for FOREVER Christmas. 

We weren’t made for the shadow-Christmas that we celebrate right now, this part time, once-a-year, looking back at “God with us”. We were made for FOREVER CHRISTMAS—for never-ending, every minute of the day, complete and total, in-person, deep satisfaction and joy WITH God. This is precisely what the God of Christmas Yet to Come promises: to be WITH US eternally, filling up our bottomless-cup heart with his never-ending Self. He didn’t abandon us when we abandoned him in the garden. He promised to come again; and he did, in a manger. He didn’t abandon us when he rose to heaven. He promised to come again; and he did, in our hearts. And he has ONE MORE PROMISE left outstanding, to come again for all time. And just like he made good on all of his other promises to be with us, he will make good on this last promise of forever Christmas. Here’s what he says about this most wonderful end of the Christmas story: 

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s DWELLING PLACE is now AMONG THE PEOPLE, and he will DWELL WITH them. They WILL BE HIS PEOPLE, and God himself will be WITH THEM and be THEIR GOD. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’ He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” (Revelation 21:3-5) 

But this doesn’t sound like much of an ending, does it? It sounds a whole lot more like a beginning—a better, truer, ongoing, forever Christmas story. This is the beginning of the best Christmas story, the story of God WITH US forever. No tears. No death. No mourning, crying, or pain. No more separation from the only one who can fill our bottomless-cup hearts. This is FOREVER Christmas—what our hearts were truly made for. 

What lesser substitute have you tried to fill your bottomless-cup heart with? 

How has it failed you?  

How can you fill it instead with the God who wants to dwell with you?

Thanks for reading,

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