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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! March's Verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

How do you know God is calling you to do something? Take the next step of faith on the path God is calling you to.

Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.

- Psalm 25:4

“Oh boy. Here I go. I’m gonna do this thing. And, what’ll it look like? Who even knows? I just have to do it though. I can’t NOT do it.”

Have you ever felt like this? Ever felt like God was asking you to do something that made you stop in your tracks and say, “SKRRRRRT, WHAT?!?!?! Me, God? Are you sure you’ve got the right person?” And yet, you've got this undeniable sense that God is asking you to do it.  

I've felt this way many a time. In fact, I think every time God has called me to step out in faith I feel like this. I say in my heart, “Jesus, you know me. You know my limitations and my mess. But, you’re gonna ask ME to do THAT?” I feel underqualified, maybe even disqualified. 

Truth is, when the God of the universe asks us to do something, we actually ARE the wrong people for the job, and he knows it. He could do things way better himself, but he calls us along anyway. You see, Jesus is realistic. He knows our lack and our mess. People, he is not surprised by us, EVER. But, he loves us enough to let us be a part of things and patiently mature us in the process. It’s like when my kids cook with me. I know they’re gonna get shells in the eggs, but I can dig those out, and they’ve gotta learn somehow.

So it is with Jesus. He’s patient with our shortcomings and forgiving of our faithlessness. He doesn’t expect perfection. And, he's delighted when we take steps towards him, going down the good path he has laid out before us.

Where is God asking you to take that next step of faith?

Do you feel underqualified, disqualified?

Ask Jesus to equip you, make things right that you've messed up, and get you going on his path.


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