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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! OCTOBER'S VERSE: "'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." — Revelation 4:8B

Passing Notes
Jesus has a note for you.

jesus has a note for you.



When I was a kid, we passed notes in class. There was this whole culture of fancy pens, secret codes, and intricate folds. My best fold pattern had a little triangle which opened the note when you pulled it. I always wrote “pull me” with an arrow pointing to the triangle, just to be clear. Often, we’d pass notes “through” people, especially when boys were involved. You can’t just straight up give a note to a boy you like, duh! There was etiquette, creativity, and finesse, just like there is today when it comes to sending DMs or texts or snaps… at least that’s what my kids tell me. But in the old-school language of my day, I have a “note” to pass to you today. I think you’re gonna want to read it. It’s not from me though. I’m just passing it along. Like our verse says, I’m the messenger with a light in my eyes, coming to give joy to your heart and health to your bones. 

It’s such a good note. 

In fact, it’s the best one you’ll ever get. Better than the best gel-pen colors and origami folds, because the content is jaw-dropping, life-changing, radical stuff. It’s not from me though, it’s from Jesus. I’m just the happy friend who gets to pass the note along to you. You’ve probably heard the contents of his note before—packaged and repackaged in songs, poems, stories, and the like. But, I wonder if you’ve ever read this message as a good old-fashioned love note? Please give grace for the words as I’ve reimagined them into this format. It’s my hope that somehow this new rendition will strike a fresh chord in your heart and bring you joy.


On the podcast


Before we dive into our January verse, we want to take this first Monday of the month to reflect back on what God did in our lives and through Dwell in 2021.  We hope you'll join us for today's episode.




I’ve got some things to tell you, things I’ve said to you before. But I’m putting them down on paper, so you can come back to them again when you need to hear them. The short of it is this: I love you. And the truth is, I think about you all the time. You have no idea. I’m writing this because I want you to know that I see you over there, doing life, and I have big dreams for you.  

You’re an amazing person. I love the beautiful combination of heart and mind and talents and personality that make up who you are. And I want to see you thrive, to watch you step into your purpose, and to use your gifts to serve others. It makes me so happy to see your heart full of joy. 

But sometimes, it’s not. 

Sometimes, you’re so sad. You feel alone or anxious or just plain exhausted. And I see you then too. I see you when life is hard. I know, I’ve had my fair share of trials. So, when you’re reeling, when you’re down in the dumps, when you don’t know where to turn, turn to me. Come to me with your burdens. I long to carry them for you. You can trust me. And hear this: Everything’s going to be okay, I guarantee it.  

I long for you to understand my love for you. It’s higher than the heavens and purer than gold. I’ve done everything to give it to you, removed every obstacle, I gave all of myself to be with you. Don’t you see me running after you each and every time you run away? I’m still running and I won’t ever give up on you, because you’re my joy and delight, my treasure, my love. You can believe it in your heart! I’m yours. Will you be mine? 



Thanks for reading,

Natalie Abbott Bio

Meet Natalie,Dwell co-founder

Hi there, I'm Natalie. I'm so glad you're here. I'd love to connect with you and hear more about what God is doing in your life!


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