“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 3:14
Dear one,
In this race called life, you’ve been knocked down. Laid flat.
To press on feels impossible. To get up, insurmountable. Who could keep going after this? You wonder “why” and “how” and whether it’s best to just stay down. Does anybody really know or see? Is there anyone who could even begin to help?
Into all this hurt, Jesus whispers, “I have you.”
He is holding you, even now. Especially now. And he won’t let you go. He’s right there with you, weeping, bearing your burden, holding your grief as his own. You are not alone in the dark. He is with you. Do you feel his presence, his tender love? Do you hear his whispers of comfort? I pray you do. And if you don’t, I pray you will. Jesus is there in your right-now struggle.
And he will be there at its end.
Because he, Jesus himself, will end it. He is no helpless observer or concerned friend, but God over all things. And he will bring this hardship and every hardship to its final end. He who wipes your tears will do so no more on that final day, when he rights every wrong, when in his power and love and mercy and justice he brings a good end to your story and a new beginning too. And your own eyes will see his kind purposes as your faith becomes sight and heaven becomes reality on that good day.
But today is not that day.
So, if you feel you can’t press on…
Press in.
Lean into the one who loves you.
Hold onto the one who holds you.
Don’t strive for striving’s sake.
Your race was won already.
Your prize is now in hand.
So hold onto him,
As he holds onto you.
Yes. If you feel you can’t press on…
Press in.