yes, you do have a ministry.
Fulfill your ministry.
I was reading my Bible the other morning and this phrase jumped off the page: “fulfill your ministry.” Paul wrote those words to his beloved friend, Timothy, in his last letter. He went on to say, “I’ve fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith.” Essentially, Paul says, “The things God laid out for me to do, I did them. Now, you do the same. Fulfill your ministry.” That sentiment struck me to the core. I started thinking, “What’s my ministry? Am I fulfilling it, or am I slacking off?” They’re pretty big questions, ones that matter deeply. I wrote them in my journal and have been pondering them ever since.
Do you wonder the same thing?
Maybe you don’t. Maybe it seems like that word “ministry” alleviates you from responsibility. After all, “ministries” are for “professional” Christians, right? Well, what if I told you they aren’t? Ephesians 2:10 says just the opposite. It tells us that God has prepared good works for each and every one of us to walk in. That, my friend, is ministry. But hear this truth: ministry is BEAUTIFUL. Ministry is not a burden or a duty, but a humble, delightful privilege. Ministry is participating with God! Just sit on that a minute. The God who is over all things is asking us to work alongside him, to take part in his wondrous, restorative work in the universe! And he has a specific ministry for each of us. All of us together take part in the varied expressions of our faith, the brilliant outer workings of the Spirit of God in us. Ministry is our own unique response to the love and joy of God who fills our hearts. So let me ask you:
Are you fulfilling YOUR ministry? Do you know what your ministry is?
We want you to have LOTS of ways to remind yourself of these verses! Dwell members have access to digital kits (phone/computer wall papers & coloring sheets) for every month allll the way back through 2020! Log in to your account and find them today!
I know I’m meddling right now, but it’s not to be mean or shame you. I want instead to help you examine whether you’re walking confidently in the fullness of God’s intention for you. He has a path laid out for you. He had a plan in mind when he made every intricate part of you. He wrote down each of your days in his book before they came to be (Psalm 139:16). This is the wonderful possibility on offer for you and me: to live out our glorious purpose! Can you imagine??? But what is that purpose? What is our ministry? Paul says it this way, “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’” (2 Cor. 5:20, NLT). This is our ministry: to be messengers of God himself!
And this is our message: “Come back to God!”
Isn’t it the same message we heard and believed? Do you remember when you first heard it…the joy that filled your heart, the wonder of a God who wanted you? I still often weep when I think of my own first experience of God, so many years ago, when he broke into my life with his love and forgiveness. He overcame every obstacle to call me to himself. Who would do such a thing?!?! HE would. And his love is worth celebrating and sharing! So he tells us, “Therefore, go. Make disciples. Fulfill your message-sharing ministry. Talk about me with light in your eyes. Bring joy to the hearts of your listeners and health to their bones.” This is our joy. This is our job. This is our ministry: to preach to any and all who would listen: “Come back to God. He wants you.” What better occupation is there?
Spend a moment considering the first time you heard the good news of Jesus.
Is it still bringing joy to your heart?
Ask God to restore any joy you’ve lost along the way, and to give you a vision for the ministry he has just for you.
Thanks for reading,

Meet Natalie,Dwell co-founder
Hi there, I'm Natalie. I'm so glad you're here. I'd love to connect with you and hear more about what God is doing in your life!