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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! OCTOBER'S VERSE: "'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come." — Revelation 4:8B

Are Ya Singing?
As we embark on this new year, I have a challenge for you. I want you to try to figure out what your happiness indicators are. Really think about it.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

- Psalm 90:14

I have this (apparently) really annoying habit.

I sing all the time. I whistle too. I have a song in my head most days. Problem is, I never know all the words. And, most times, I'm totally unaware that I'm doing it, until my husband points out that I have been singing the same line over and over again for the last 20 minutes. When he first asked me to please (for the love of everything holy) stop, I told him that in the musical of my life, he was the villain. Seriously though, now that I have 5 kids with the same propensity, I can see how some might  find this habit annoying. Our family solution is to just turn on a REAL singer’s song and all sing alonga far more pleasing sound to the ear. 

I bring all of this up because I've discovered something about myself: I sing when I’m happy. I don’t sing when I’m not. Period. Singing is my happiness indicator. If I’m singing, you know I’m having a great day. But, that gets me thinking… not everyone’s happiness indicator is singing. Obviously, it’s not my husband’s. We all have indicators, things in our lives that tell us how we’re doing. And, I wonder if you’ve ever thought about your happiness indicator?

As we embark on this new year, I have a challenge for you. I want you to try to figure out what your happiness indicators are. Really think about it.

> Are you more likely to take a moment for yourself? 

> Are you more affectionate with your loved ones?  

> Are you more helpful or service minded? 

> Are you more kind in your words towards others?

Whatever it is for you, I want you to really take note of what you look like when you’re happy and keep track this month of how you’re doing.

So, why do I want you to do this? Because this month we are focusing on satisfaction, joy, and gladness. We so often just run through our rhythms without really thinking about whether we are truly happy deep down in our souls. I think if we did an inventory, we might discover that we want MORE joy, MORE satisfaction, and MORE gladness in our hearts. But, where do we get it?

Well, you knew I was going to get to this part. Our verse tells us that we find our true satisfaction in the Lord. It's a promise. And, God is always good to keep his promises. So, we can trust that it's true. He’s the One who gives us that joy and deep gladness. We need to be seeking him each and every day. When we do, we have the promise of his joy, a joy that overflows out of us, a gladness for each and every day. And for me, I know what my joy indicator is. I sing when I’m happy. What about you?

What's your happiness indicator?
Do you really think that true joy, satisfaction, and deep gladness come from God?
If so, what are you gonna do about it?
If not, try this and see if doesn't help: spend 5 minutes each day reading God's word and asking him for joy.


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