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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! March's Verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

A Step of Faith
I’ve found that when I ask God day by day for direction in all things, he is able to reveal his glory, goodness, and faithfulness, because I give him the space to do it.

Jesus replied, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you would see the glory of God?" 

- John 11:40

Today's post is written by Dwell member, April Harper. 

The glory of God. The goodness of God. The faithfulness of God.

I’ve learned to expect these things, not to think that they’re an occasional, crazy, wild story. I’ve found that when I ask God day by day for direction in all things, he is able to reveal his glory, goodness, and faithfulness, because I give him the space to do it.

My junior year of college I just knew that God wanted me to do a study abroad program called Semester at Sea. I went from having never heard of it to it never leaving my mind. Even though I didn’t have the money to pay for it, I was certain that God was telling me to go. So, I sent in my $1K non-refundable payment to hold my spot (which was my inheritance from my grandmother, who passed away the year before). I had three months to come up with the other $15K that I would need. It seems ludicrous for a 20-year-old with no connections to think that she could do that. But, I answered an ad in the newspaper for a nine hour a week babysitting job. By week two on the job, I worked 40 hours, and the next week, I started working 24-hour shifts so that the parents could sleep every other night. The family appreciated this help so much that they paid me well... $15K to be exact! I walked onto that Semester at Sea ship knowing that was exactly the place God wanted me to be, and that he was with me. By believing (not chickening out, or remaining in my homebody ways, or focusing on only what “makes sense”), I was able to see the glory of God.

After exploring the world, spending time every day listening to God, and seeing the beauty he created, I returned home to the hardest, darkest situation I had ever faced. I immediately realized God gave me that time away for ME -- to prepare me, grow me, and show me that I am beautiful in his sight. He was teaching me that no situation could strip me of my identity in Christ, being his daughter, loved eternally, and unable to be separated from him.

I love how in this verse, Jesus speaks in a question, “Didn’t I tell you?” How many times does he need to ask us that? So many times! His goodness and faithfulness are incomprehensible to us, but he tenderly shows us over and over again his perfect love, the glory of God.

So, what does it mean to believe? To depend on God’s truth over anyone’s opinion, to ask him in the midst of all things the direction to go, to make decisions based on the word of God, and to desire to know the heart of God. By believing, you are being transformed into his likeness, and a life of freedom awaits you.

- April Harper, Dwell Member

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