A letter from the founder.
Dwelling on the problem. Dwelling in the past. Dwelling on "it."
We wake up first thing in the morning and our minds are already dwelling on "it." Whether "it" is our crazy schedules, fear of messing up our kids, anxiety about what is going on in our country, worry about our health, hating our jobs, tough periods in our marriages, sadness over loss, feeling helpless is a world full of suffering, un-forgiveness toward a person, comparison, greed, discontentment... the list goes on and on. And sometimes it seems impossible to do anything but dwell on "it." For this very reason I created dwell.
Because we can dwell differently.
Jesus promises life, and life to the fullest... but how?
I personally have been there... dwelling on "it." Exhausted, anxious, and stuck. My pastor suggested I start to memorize the word... he told me to dwell on the truths, promises, and goodness of God, and just see what happens. And so I began to write scripture in black sharpie on my wrist. A friend of mine taught me to write the first letter of every word of the verse to encourage and challenge me to recall the scripture. And it worked! Everyday I was writing the word of God on my heart and in my mind. Slowly I began to dwell differently. I began to think about God, what was true, what was lovely, who He made me to be, and what He had for my life. I began to perceive something new springing up in my life. Hope, joy, and peace.
So what is Dwell then? By providing simple, beautiful tools to recall and memorize the word, Dwell helps people dwell differently. When you become a member, you receive monthly packages equipping you to memorize the verse of the month. Inspired by how effective writing the letters on my arm was, the package will include temporary tattoos as well as other tools to memorize scripture.
As a side note, there is no person too old or too young or too wise or too stupid to know God's word more. So all are welcome to join. If you ever receive a verse you already know, guess what... share it with a friend!
I hope you join us. Let's choose to dwell differently.
Sincerely, Vera Schmitz Dwell Founder